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updated 5:53 PM CEST, Jul 19, 2024
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International Medical Organizations

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Office address

E.A.N.A. Office

29, rue de Vianden

Tel.: 00 352 44 40 33-1
Fax: 00 352 45 83 49

E-mail: secretariat@ammd.lu

EANA Statutes

STATUTES of E.A.N.A. a.s.b.l.

Between the undersigned

Association des Médecins et Médecins-Dentistes du Grand Duché de Luxembourg,
29, rue de Vianden,
L 2680 Luxembourg, Grand Duché de Luxembourg,

Verbindung der Schweizer Ärztinnen und Ärzte FMH
Elfenstr. 18,
3000 Bern 16, Switzerland

Österreichischen Ärztekammer,
Weihburggasse 10-12,
1010 Wien, Austria,

Česká Lékařská Společnost – J.E. Purkyně,
Sokolská 31
12000 Prague, Czech Republic,

Magyar Orvostársaságok és Egyesületek Szövetsége -MOTESZ
Nador u 36
1051 Budapest Hungary

Svenska Privatläkarföreningen,
P.O. Box 5610
114 86 Stockholm, Sweden,

Association Belge des Syndicats Médicaux (ABSyM)
Chaussée de Bondael 6, bte. 4
1050 Brussels / Belgium

Irish Medical Organisation,
10, Fitzwilliam Place,
Dublin 2, Ireland,

Hartmannbund, Verband der Ärzte Deutschlands e.V.,
Schützenstr. 6a,
10117  Berlin, Germany

NAV-Virchow-Bund, Verband der niedergelassenen Ärzte Deutschlands e.V., Belfortstr. 9,
50668 Köln, Germany,

Ordem dos Medicos
Avenida Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151
1749-084 Lissabon, Portugal,

The Independent Doctor’s Forum
121, Ladbroke Grove
London W 11 1PN, Great Britain,

assembled in Prague on November 4th, 2005,

have decided to create an association according to the legislation of Luxembourg,
especially according to the law of April 21, 1928, on Associations and Foundations,
non-profit organisations, (according to the changes of legislation date February, 22, 1984
and legislation of March 3, 1994).

The association will be subject to the following statutes:

§ 1 Name

The name of the Association shall be:

In English E.A.N.A.
European Working Group of Practitioners and Specialists in
Free Practice

In French E.A.N.A.
Groupement Européen des Médecins Libéraux

In German E.A.N.A.
Europäische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der niedergelassenen Ärzte

§ 2 Headquarters and legal status

The headquarters of the association shall be situated in Luxembourg (GDL).
It can be situated in any other location of the country of Luxembourg or in another foreign
country provided that the country recognizes the legal status of the association.

The change of residence will be decided by the general assembly.

The association has the legal status of a non-profit - association according to the modified
legislation of April 21, 1928, on non-profit associations and foundations.

§ 3 Aims and Purposes

The association’s principle aim shall be to represent the professional interests of European general
practitioners and specialists in free practice, in particular:

    to promote and assure the professional activities of European general practitioners and specialists in free practice,
    to promote and facilitate regular contacts for the exchange of information between individuals and European medical
    associations being directly concerned by the activity of physicians in free practice in Europe,
    to promote contacts and cooperation with supra national European associations and organisations whose activities
    either directly or indirectly concern the work of general practitioners and specialists in free practice in Europe,
    to make available and to bring to the attention of the respective persons and bodies being capable and willing to
    promote the activities of general practitioners and specialists in free practice all information as comprehensive
    as possible on the legal regulations in force in the associations’ member countries as well as international legal
    regulations concerning both the freedom of establishment and setting up of practice as well as scientific research
    in connection with physicians in free practice,
    to provide and to bring to the attention of those persons and committees who/which are interested in national
    legislation of member states as well as international legislation concerning professional exercise in free practice
    and scientific research in connection with the activities of physicians in free practice and who/which can contribute
    to the promotion of professional exercise in free practice,
    to represent the interests of the Association and of its’ members, and of physicians in free practice with concern
    to national legislation of the individual member countries as well as the drafting of legislation on European level,
    to enlist support and to foster the esteem and understanding of the European public for the work and role of physicians
    in free practice.
In view of the achievement of these targets the association may collaborate and

affiliate with any other association or organisation defending the same targets.

§ 4 Membership

The association consists of at least three member.
Any independent organisation in Europe subject to civil or public law whose members according
to their statutes predominantly pursue an activity which can be described as “general practitioner
and specialists in free practice” shall be entitled  to the membership of the association.

An individual physician and organisations whose aims and purposes are in accordance with those
of the association can become observer within the association.

The application for membership must be transmitted to the president of the association who will
transmit the application to the general assembly for decision.

The general assembly decides with ¾ majority if membership can be accepted.

The same procedure applies to observers.

Membership shall lapse

    upon explicit written resignation,
    silent resignation: will be considered if a member does not pay  the contribution latest
    three months after notification by registered mail, by exclusion. The exclusion of a member
    must be decided by the majority of ¾ of the votes by the general assembly.
    It is only possible in case of serious damage or repeated damage to the detriment of the association's interests.

§ 5 General Assembly

The general assembly decides obligatory on:

    a modification of the statutes,
    the nomination and recall of board members and administrators,
    the approval of the budget and the acceptance of the accounts,
    the removal of the association..

The general assembly takes place at least once a year.

The general assembly can be convened at any moment if necessary on demand of the administration as
well as on request of .one fifth of all members of the association.

All members of the association are invited to the general assembly. The agenda is part of the invitation.

Motions which are not included in the agenda can only be accepted unanimously by all members.

The invitation to the general assembly must be send out at least one month before the date of the assembly.

Latest at the beginning of the General Assembly each member must have nominated the person who has the voting right.

Each member has one vote.

Decisions of the general assembly will be made known to members by the minutes signed by the president,
the vice-president and/ or the treasurer.

The names, first names and the professions of the members of the board as well as the address of the
association will be made known to third parties by inscription into the register of associations and
societies according to article 3) of the coordinated legislation of April 21, 1928.

Decisions and motions of the general assembly will be voted by the majority vote of the members present
except for other regulations included in the statutes or regulated obligatory by law.

§ 6 Modification of the statutes

Modification of the statutes can only be effected according to article 8 of the coordinated law
of April 21, 1928 concerning non-profit associations and foundations.

Contents of the proposed modification of the statutes must be made known with the invitation
to the general assembly, only if 2/3 of all members are present the general assembly can
decide on modification of statutes.

§ 7 Board

    The general assembly elects a president, a vice-president and a treasurer.
    The president is elected by a majority of 2/3 of members.
    The president represents the association in legal and non legal affairs.
    The general assembly elects a vice-president and a treasurer by simple majority.
    The representatives of the board are elected for a period of four years.

The general assembly can furthermore charge one member association for a period of four years
with the administration and daily activities as well as the preparation of meetings and general
assemblies with the cooperation and under the responsibility of the president, the vice-president and the treasurer.

§ 8 Financial Contribution

Members pay a contribution of maximum €10.000 (ten thousand) to the association.

Each member organisation of the association bears the expenses relating to the cooperation especially
those expenses relating to time employed and travelling.

The national organisation in charge of the administration and management bears the running costs in
relation to management and secretariat.

Expenses exceeding the above mentioned tasks and especially the costs related to the organisation
of meetings, general assemblies (rent of material, rent of conference rooms, rent of specialised professionals)
are to be reimbursed to the association in charge of the administration and in agreement with the budget.

The general assembly can determine the way how to finance the meetings concerned according to the number of
participants, delegates or the economic or political capacity of each member organisation. key

§ 9 Dissolution of the Association

Dissolution of the association will be done in accordance with the regulations of the law from April 21, 1928.
If the association is dissolved the property of the association  will be transferred to another association
having the same aims and purposes as the dissolved association.

§ 10 Social Year

The social year is identical with the civil year.

Established in Prague dated November 4th, 2005.

EANA Members

The E.A.N.A. currently has 14 members:



Österreichische Ärztekammer

Weihburggasse 10-12

1010 Wien



Chambre Syndicale des Médecins

Chaussée de Boondael 6

Bte 4 à 1050 Bruxelles


Czech Republic

Sdružení Ambulantních Specialistů ČR

Info centrum - U Elektry 82

190 00 Praha 9




Confédération des Syndicats Médicaux Français

79, rue de Tocqueville
75017 Paris



NAV Virchowbund

Chausseestraße 119b

10115 Berlin



MOTESZ – Association of Hungarian Medical Societies

1443 Budapest, Pf. 145



Irish Medical Organisation

10 Fitzwilliam Place

Dublin 2




Association des Médecins et Médecins-Dentistes

29 rue de Vianden

L-2680 Luxembourg




Portuguese Medical Association

Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151
1749–084 Lisboa



The National Society of Family Medicine/General Practice

Str. Grigore Cobaldcesscu nr. 2

Sect. 1 Bucharest

010194 Romania



Association of private Physicians of Slovakia

Vazovova 9/B
811 07 Bratislava



Asociación Profesional de Médicos de Ejercicio Libre (ASPROMEL)

C/ Conde de Peñalver, 60, 1º C Dcha.
28006 Madrid



Svenska Privatläkarföreningen

Box 5610

114 86 Stockholm



FMH Swiss Medical Association

Postfach 170

Elfenstrasse 18

3000 Bern 15


Autumn meeting in Paris

in November 27th & 28th, 2015.

The meeting take place in the premises of the

79, rue de Tocqueville
75017 PARIS

Enclosed, you find the registration form for the

Tél. 0033 1 44 29 17 17

Please return the registration form by fax 0033 1 44 29 16 69 or by email resa@hotelampere.com no later than October 26, 2015
(closing date for this offer and subject to hotel availability).

Attached you find the social events program.
Would you please provide the names of participants as soon as possible
to Mrs Josette Capolunghi   josette.capolunghi@sopromed.com

The agenda of the meeting:      PDF

For further information and for any assistance de not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to your participation.

About EANA

European working group of practitioners and specialists in free practice

We are the only European Association exclusively representing the interests of practitioners and specialists in free practice.

The E.A.N.A was founded in 1974 by practitioners in free practice of nine European countries: Ireland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. In the meantime, the following countries have joined the E.A.N.A: Sweden, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, and Portugal. The E.A.N.A members are medical organizations, but individuals, too, may apply for membership. Cooperation is not limited to the concerns of practitioners and specialists in free practice of Member States of the European Union, as outlined in the report of the meeting held in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2004.